martes, 28 de febrero de 2006

The Earth is not an inheritance from our parents
but a lending from our children


he has big eyes, sometimes sad
sometimes cheerful, never unexpressive
he is unique in the word
even in driving me crazy
time and cotidianity spoil feelings
but deeper in my hearth
I know he will be always my love

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2006


Once upon a time, Aureliano and me were on the top of the Six Sisters Cliffts (Sussex County, England). One by one, each mountain told us to come back if we wanted to find the real happiness. We promised to do it, and one year later, I came back. But Aureliano never come back to visit the Six Sisters. He had become in a very busy bussines man. The Sisters got absolutely angry and punished Aureliano changing him into the seventh mountain. That is why nowadays, we know this beautiful place as The Sever Sisters. (In fact, Six Sisters and One Brother).